Our Businesses

  • Real Estate Development
  • Infrastructure Development
  • Entertainment – Media and Film
  • Investment
  • Engineering and Construction
  • Oil, Gas and Mining
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Government Advisory Services
  • Telecom
  • Design and Manufacturing
  • International Trade & Finance
  • Portal and Web Hosting

Service Sectors

  • ARIG Engineering
  • ARIG Energy
  • ARIG Consulting
  • ARIG Technology
  • ARIG Construction
  • ARIG Project Development & Management
  • ARIG Entertainment

Trading Sectors

  • ARIG Trading
  • ARIG Services Trading
  • ARIG Product Sourcing & Marketing
  • Individual Product Sourcing Counseling

Investment Sectors

  • ARIG Future & Options
  • ARIG Real Estate Advisory
  • SaARIG Currency Trandingles and Marketing
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Email: info@arigworld.com

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